The extent to which the labour market was disrupted in the years 2020/2021 due to COVID -19 is immeasurable. While majority of people has lost their job, there was an enormous demand of essential workers especially within the Health Care and Medical Sector. 

Since the beginning this year, NCG has appointed 54 new staff members and has terminated 14 due to reasons of resignations, ill health and retirement. Most recruitments where for clinical staff( Nurses, Doctors, Medical Scientists and Technologist, etc.) . Although we had a few COVID-19 infections, we were very fortunate to not have any staff mortalities since the last year due to COVID-19.

The monthly staff movement since beginning of this year were recorded as below, making the total staff component as at beginning of July at 230.

Total Terminations122115214
Total Appointments8971172154

Of the 54 new recruits, a whopping 38% were recruited only in the month of July.  Ndlovu Care Group is and has always endeavors to create employment in South Africa, a country where the unemployment rate is rife.

The increase in employment rate means an increase in the services that Ndlovu offers to the rural community and to the country at large.

Ndlovu Care Group prepares for public Covid-19 vaccination roll out program

NCG has been granted permission to assist the Department of Health  in the COVID19 Roll Out Program.

The preparations are in full swing!!

Last week we received our first batch of Pfizer vaccines which was well received by our Pharmacist, Ambros Mashishi.

Mpho Motjelele, our IT network coordinator, has prepared 13 Laptops for registration and verification of the personal data for the community members to be vaccinated.

The site is prepared, a team of 16 people has been dedicated and well trained for this tremendous task.

We hope to become a “high through put site” with at least 1000 vaccinations per day.

The roll out started on Monday morning  from 08H00am until 17H00pm and we will be open six days a week, Saturdays from 08H00am until 13H00pm.

228 Vaccinations on the first day!

What an excitement!!